Collocated piezo sensor – actuator
For applications where machines have to hold position accurately in the sub-nanometer range, external disturbances are unwanted and should either be minimized by isolation or actively damped. For piezo hard mount solutions vibrations are sensed by a piezo sensor and actively compensated by a collocated piezo actuator.
Active damping systems up to 6 degree of freedom are developed based on customer demands. Solutions with criteria on stroke, mass, bandwidth and cross talk level between actuator and sensor are provided.
- Collocated sensor – actuator configuration
- Monolithic metal structures
- Frictionless
- Solid state solution, no wear
Range of specification
- Stroke 1 – 50 µm
- Mass 1 – 20.000 kg
- Bandwidth 0,1 to 5.000 Hz
- Cross talk actuator/sensor 1e4 to 1e7